Hi folks,

At this wiki page [1] is the build and test results on over 24
machines of various hardware/platform combinations. Unfortunately, on
about 8 of these machines, you find that MPIR r2978 builds fine, make
check passes, make tune completes successfully, and the test suite
pass. The other machines have some form of failure when running make
check, make tune, or the test suite. But overall, MPIR r2978 builds OK
on all the said machines so far with the usual mantra:

$ ./configure && make

On FreeBSD 8.0, running the test suite mpirtest resulted in

[mv...@gcc101 test_stuff]$ ./mpirtest ../mpir-r2978
bash: ./mpirtest: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

This is because the header of mpirtest is


This is unportable and can break on systems such FreeBSD. A more
portable header is to use the line

#!/usr/bin/env bash

And also to change the line



SHE=`which bash`

If you agree, then I could make the change and commit it to the
test_stuff branch of SVN.

[1] http://wiki.sagemath.org/mpir/BuildFarm/mpir-2.1.0

Minh Van Nguyen

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