On Jun 22, 7:33 pm, "Chris Saunders" <e...@mountaincable.net> wrote:
> I have a suggestion Brian.  People not familiar with Python might have
> difficulties using what they find 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/mpir-devel/web/add.express.py?hl=en.  I think
> that you should suggest a name for a file that they could copy and paste the
> text to and maybe the version and source of the Python that you are using.

Hi Chris,

You are right - this link is not as easy to use as I hoped - it brings
up a file save option with the right name on some browsers but simply
displays the code on others.  Sadly it worked well for me and I
stupidly assumed it would work the same way on all browsers.

I hence suggest that anyone who would like to try this conversion
should download the file 'add.express.py' directly from the Files
section of MPIR-devel (at top right of page).

I could be wrong but I think any 2.6 or later Python version should
work.  I suspect our difficulty with ActiveState Python had other


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