On Thursday 08 July 2010 16:00:46 Fredrik Johansson wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Jason Moxham 
> > The mulhi and mullo are exact unlike the mulmid , we could do an
> > approximate
> > mulhi which would be marginally faster.
> >
> > Jason
> Yes, that would be very nice. I assume approximate mulhi would be give the
> exact result +/- 1?
> Fredrik

maybe , I would have to look it up  , basically mulhi goes like this

calculate mul_short (either basecase or divide and conquer)
mul_short is like mul_high but with 2 extra digits calculated , these 2 extra 
digits give enough info that the mul_high product is almost always right 
except in easy to tell situations . If the product is not an exact mul_high 
then just do a full mull.The probability of having to do a full mul is 
something like n/2^64 (for n limbs), how far the mul_short differs from 
mul_high would be easy to calculate but I dont know what it is (perhaps n?)
I think the sourcecode has all the info , or you can read the relevant paper 
which is referenced somewhere. 


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