On 17 October 2012 20:17, Fredrik Johansson <fredrik.johans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
>> It's so long since I looked at this, I don't remember. But I had
>> thought it was because these functions were not universally exported
>> in mpir.
>> If they are macros in flint, then I don't see the problem anyway. They
>> don't get exported as symbols in the flint library.
>> They will be picked up by any project that uses mpir.h and flint.h,
>> but the functionality is surely identical and unlikely to change. If
>> it does, this will be a problem for more than just flint users.
> Oh yeah, there's also the fact that the flint functions support a limb
> count of zero.
> There could potentially be a problem if someone develops and tests
> some complex piece of code using mpn functions with flint.h included,
> then takes the code somewhere else...

Good point I guess.

Yes, let's get right out of the mpn namespace business. flint_mpn_blah
seems to be the best solution. It's a bit of work to fix this, and I
am not proposing I do it any day soon, but I'll make a note that it
needs to be done and we'll work towards it, perhaps even before
finalising the next flint release.


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