Hi Dann,

Did you build both mpir.lib (the C library) and mpirxx.lib (the C++ library).  

> 3>EXEC : error : static library tests need 'mpirxx.lib'

indicates it cannot find the mpirxx.lib so it is likely that you haven't built 

The other important thing is to set the test build to the same configuration as 
the library build - e.g. x64 and Release. This

> 3>C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(122,5): error
MSB3073: The command "..\check_config x64 Release

suggests that the library and tests are being built with different 
configurations but it might simply be the result of the missing mpirxx.lib.

If you didn't build mpirxx.lib, I suggest you do this and try to build the 
tests again.
In my previous mail, I said this:
> Seems obvious, I need to build mpirxx.lib It does not have a solution, 
> so I opened the vcxproj and built it from that. Successful.

It seems that this is the problem.
The solution does some sort of post-build step to move the library to a 
non-standard location.
The other projects expect the library to reside there.

I think that the mystery is solved.

It might be nice in the notes to say:
Using the MPIR solution
1. Build for your platform the mpir library and/or the mpir dll files
2. Build the mpirxx library.

I saw the error and built it, but it has to be built from the MPIR solution or 
it does not work.


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