Additionally, Alex uses his own makefile for the asm jit since the CMake
file was too hard to work with.

On 12 May 2016 at 18:03, Bill Hart <> wrote:

> For anyone that would like to help with porting to Windows, here are the
> notes so far:
> * The asm jit we use mentions MSVC support on its website, though it only
> explicitly mentions MSVC 2003. I don't see any VS solution files, so I
> don't know how the build is managed (they use CMake).
> * Bear in mind that supporting anything other than the assembly formats
> currently supported is a massive task. Alex has spent months adapting it to
> work with our assembly code, though it does read quite a bit of our yasm
> code and a lot of gas format assembly. It currently outputs gas format. It
> can output Intel syntax (we are not sure what variety), but that part
> contains some bugs (incorrect output).
> * The superoptimiser itself is written in C++11, and Alex says he doesn't
> use many longs in his code.
> * Currently there is code that is Linux specific for fixing the CPU
> affinity. That would need porting.
> * Until today we were having a lot of problems on Intel CPUs on any OS.
> AMD is more stable though still not perfect.
> * We have not tested again on a fully loaded system. We are trying that
> now, after the most recent changes. We previously had problems on loaded
> systems.
> * As mentioned, we do not believe timings will be consistent enough on
> Windows to be able to superoptimise, but people are welcome to try and
> figure out how to make it work there. At the least it is going to require
> someone with a lot of Windows experience to solve that, if it is actually
> possible.
> * The total amount of code asm jit + optimiser is about 32,000 lines of
> code, but currently the code is in a state of flux, day-to-day
> * Alex does not have experience developing on Windows and does not have
> access to a Windows machine and he is on contract to the OpenDreamKit
> project, so he is not available to assist in the development of a Windows
> port, other than to answer occasional questions by email.
> * Alex is currently happy to give people access to the repository on
> request (if you have a GitHub account), but please understand that the
> project is not in a stable state just yet.
> Bill.
> On 12 May 2016 at 17:08, Bill Hart <> wrote:
>> I am just going to state the same thing again: we do not currently
>> believe the superoptimiser will work on Windows, even if it is ported.
>> People are obviously welcome to try.
>> As always, we are limited by our resources and by the nature of the
>> problem itself, not by our willingness to do this or that. I welcome
>> volunteers to contribute whether on Windows or any other system.
>> So far we have a couple of serious applicants for the six month position
>> to replace Alex. I simply don't know if we will be lucky and hire someone
>> with Windows development experience. I don't personally have any other
>> resources I can direct towards MPIR at present. Volunteers welcome!
>> Bill.
>> On 12 May 2016 at 16:36, degski <> wrote:
>>> On 12 May 2016 at 16:51, Brian Gladman <> wrote:
>>> That seems more than a little lukewarm to me and says, in effect, we
>>>> don't much care whether you do this or not.
>>>> Am I reading too much into your reluctance to comment on whether 'MPIR
>>>> on Windows x64 has a future'?
>>> I've been following MPIR since its inception. As I understood it from
>>> the start, the purpose of MPIR was to provide GMP (a drop-in replacement
>>> and) performance on Windows platforms. This at the time our Swedish friend
>>> was getting ever more reluctant to make any concessions from his "Linux is
>>> the best stance" to accomodate a performant GMP on Windows/VC. I lost it
>>> (the way MPIR was heading) by the time Linux seemed to be taking over as a
>>> focus. I think I'm correct if I say that we can safely leave good
>>> number-crunching on Linux to the Swedes with confidence. They do a (very)
>>> good job. GMP is integrated into GCC/G++ nowadays. Trying to replicate that
>>> (be a me-too) seems futile to me.
>>> Brian, you have my support, but I'm not clever enough to contribute
>>> un-fortunately :-(
>>> degski
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