Yes David you  need to have TIF for a downtown libary. The issue is whether
is is one, two or four blocks. Given the state of our general fund it sould
be on the same block as the library. So it's self-contained. The unfortunate
thing is that everyone wants a stand alone civic Carnagie  Mellon kind of
library. Unfortunately we can't afford that in terms of the cost to our
general fund. Every dollar that's in a TIF ditrict doesn't see the light of
day in the general fund for at least 15-20 years.

It behooves us to make this district as tight as possible in order to
protect our general fund and I for one will fight to keep it on the same
block as the library, whether it is additional office or housing. I believe
you can make mixed use work with good architecture and we just don't have
the luxury right now of tying up more than one block in a district.

Lisa McDonald Tenth Ward Council member

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Brauer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 1:07 PM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list
> Subject:      RE: Library Referendum
> Glad this thread finally took.
> Although I recently had a chance to sit down with library backers, I
> didn't
> have the insight to ask all the right questions. A few more have come to
> mind:
> 1. What is the cost of warehousing/moving the current library for three
> years, versus buying land elsewhere downtown?
> 2. Given that the former Nicollet Hotel block is empty, why not build the
> new library there, then demolish the current library across the street and
> put the parking/housing there?
> 3. How vital is tax-increment financing to this project? I've heard some
> folks refer to a four-block TIF district, or a two block TIF which I
> assume
> includes the library and the parking ramp. While I generally support the
> library plan, I generally opposed to expanding TIF (call me a middling
> Wally
> Swan). Do I have to take TIF to get a new downtown library?
> Thanks to everyone for mixing it up on this. I'm learning a lot...
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10

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