The postings on this subject have been so interesting and helpful to those 
still wondering how to vote on this important issue.  

I certainly concur with Wally Swan in that the City should not over extend 
its financial obligations.  On the other hand, I share the frustration of 
those writers who wish that the citizenry could have voted directly yes or no 
on subsidies for Block E, Target Center, Target Store and Office, Schubert 
move, etc.  I have a funny feeling that most of those would never have passed 
a direct election.  However, those same voters will probably not turn out 
Council Members who voted for such projects.

It was also enlightening to read about the shift of money to the Park Board 
by the City so that the Park Board would not do a referendum too.  That one 
might have run into problems with the voters as well.  Is there a pattern 
here - the City Council members are an easier sell than the general populace 
and are bigger spenders than the rest of the people?

This whole discussion also points out to me that the special purpose boards 
really may have outlived their usefulness.  I would really like to see 
figures on what savings might accrue if there were no Park or Library Boards.

Jan Del Calzo

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