Jan Del Calzo wrote:

>It was also enlightening to read about the shift of money to the Park Board
by the City so that the Park Board would not do a referendum too.  That one
might have run into problems with the voters as well.  Is there a pattern
here - the City Council members are an easier sell than the general populace
and are bigger spenders than the rest of the people?
>This whole discussion also points out to me that the special purpose boards
really may have outlived their usefulness.

[KB]  Am I missing something?  It looks like the City Council is the group
that's outlived its usefulness. -- Please explain further.

Jan continued:
>I would really like to see figures on what savings might accrue if there
were no Park or Library Boards.

[KB]  It may be unintentional, but this disconnection of costs from services
is just like the "Overtaxed ... overtaxed" mantra we see and hear way too
much.  Cutting the Boards merely to save money without balancing against
what's lost is not good governance.  _Would_ we lose little or nothing?

  --Ken Bearman, King Field
    11-1, County 3,

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