My house was revalued by, presumably, the tax assessor for an additional $3,000
last year and another $4,900 this year.  When I bought it three years ago last
month, it was valued at $40,000.  I'm kind of alarmed at how fast and often it
jumps.  Somehow I'd gotten it into my head that houses were only revalued every
4 years.  That may have nothing to do with reality.  Does anyone else know the
secret of assessing houses?  Is it your shoe size times your address or
something weird?  I'm new to home ownership and I'm lost in this stuff.
Wizard Marks, Central

David Brauer wrote:

> I live in King Field, and not in rental property. On my mansion, which will
> soon be valued at $117,000, my combined city-county-etc. bump was 11
> percent. As a fellow tax-and-spender, I wasn't surprised or outraged, though
> I'd always like the bump to be lower.
> Can't help you with appeals, but I believe the government bodies all still
> have to have their truth-in-taxation hearing. That might be like banging
> your head against several walls, though.
> Spending for the new library isn't included in these estimates, so get ready
> for that.
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Caroline Palmer
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 9:48 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Property Taxes
> Greetings,
> I happily checked "yes" on the referenda to the schools and libraries this
> past election day and I'm the first to admit I'm a tax and spend liberal,
> but I was a bit taken aback by a whopping 48% increase on the 2001 estimated
> property taxes for a rental property we own on W. 46th. I tried calling the
> assessor today to no avail, and a colleague thought that the city could only
> impose a certain increase percentage each year (i.e. 15% or the like), but
> wasn't sure. I'll keep trying the assessor, but does anyone know about the
> appeals process or is this type of increase typical? We did go from
> homestead to rental (non-homestead) but that doesn't seem to warrant such a
> huge increase, especially on the school levy line, which went from $76 to
> somewhere in the neighborhood of $450! Yikes! We'll have to raise the rent
> on our property if this keeps up and that's the last thing we want to do
> since we like our tenants and want them to stay.
> Thanks,
> Caroline Palmer
> Kingfield

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