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I'd expect the politically lazy to categorically disparage an entire set of
candidates based on their political endorsement, but not educated politicos.
For months, the Stenberg campaign laid out some excellent proposals for reducing
property taxes, maintaining adequate education funding, and addressing other
critical government funding which rely on the unjust property tax.  Admittedly,
we didn't take the time to post our ideas to this list of DFLers, but I'll
seriously reconsider that in the future (many 60Bers are on this list).  I am
well aware that we can't solve these problems without working across party

David Brauer wrote:

> However, I have yet to see conservatives such as Adam make a convincing case
> that they could both restrain spending and intelligently encourage city
> development
> through reasonable public investments. Simply put, the city GOP hasn't even
> come
> close to offering a palatable alternative...


> There's a reason the last two non-DFL council members have been
> independents, not Republicans.
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10

..and it's not for the reasons stated above.  I'll go out on a limb here and
say that there are just way too many people who refuse to vote for a Republican,
regardless of political positions.  (I know that makes many of you very glad.
I'm happy for you ;-).  Just look at this recent election, it didn't matter if
you were an evangelical pro-lifer or a gay, pro-choice Republican.  We all got
the same amount of votes.  All the DFLers got around the same number of votes.
In many ways its strange, in many ways it's not.  That's why only independents
are the only non-DFLers that can get elected.

Many of us Republicans do not fit into the stereotypes constantly thrown around
in the press or in these public forums.  We are working hard to change our
party, to introduce ourselves as people, and to overcome voter apathy and, in
some instances, ignorance.

- Adam Stenberg
  Fulton Neighborhood

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org:Stenberg Volunteer Committee
adr:;;4920 Ewing Avenue South;Minneapolis;MN;55410;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Candidate for House District 60B
fn:Adam Stenberg


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