>James also states that money is disappearing from
>neighborhood groups. This is a blanket statement that
>is very unfair.  
Well it's unfair when referring to all neighborhood groups.  The statement
fully describes the situation at CNIA.  

>The State of Minnesota Audits EVERY neighborhood
>association in Mpls. that receives NRP funding. If
>money is "disappearing", the auditors would be aware
>of it and it would become part of the audit. If a
>neighborhood does not address the issues brought up in
>an audit and does not work to become a fiscally
>responsible organization, NRP can, will and has
>imposed sanctions against that organization. There are
>policies that cover this and it is in the contracts.  
Yes, but NRP with CNIA hasn't done enough to enforce the contract.  I still
hold Bob Miller of NRP responsible for this.  He told a friend of mine
shortly after the "Blue Crew" took over that he didn't want another
neighborhood org falling apart under his watch, when he was going to the
legislature trying to defend the program.  

>All of this is public information. If anyone wants to
>see any of the NRP policies, you may go to
Sure there are lots of policies, but do they do anything to enforce them?  

>If anyone wants to see copies of the neighborhood
>audits you may contact the NRP office at 673-5140 and
>request a copy of the audit for whatever neighborhood
>you are interested in monitoring. 

I have gotten copies of CNIA audits by calling NRP.  I'll give them the
credit for that.  

Does anyone else think that Art Erickson being President of CNIA being a
bit of a conflict of interest -- with his role as President of Urban Ventures?

Eva Young
Near North
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