Wow! That sounds exciting Jay. I wish you would do a
training for neighborhood groups on how to raise money
from charitable gambling.  I think Bingo night could
be a great community building event. 

It is important for neighborhoods to be creative in
raising funds to support the organization.
Neighborhoods should be organizing capital campaigns
and working creatively to bring in other sustainable
sources of funding.  Jay's ideas about canvassing
might not only be successful at raising money, but,
would serve as a tremendous outreach and community
building activity. Especially now that so many
neighborhoods are entering the plan review stage. What
better way to find out what the neighborhood
stakeholders think about NRP or more importantly the
neighborhood association than to knock on their door
or call them on the phone. 

Some neighborhoods placed "neighborhood service"
requirements on rehab loans or grants.  Some
neighborhoods also require the "neighborhood service"
in exchange for the stipends to the Community
Leadership Institute. 

Maybe there should be a contest to see who can come up
with the most creative way to raise non-government
money for your neighborhood organization.  

I'm afraid to be humorous here right now after what
happened to David, but, here goes:

Maybe all the neighborhoods should pool their money
and buy Sears.  Turn it into a casino and use the
revenue to fund the neighborhood associations. (I AM

Just wanted to start a little out of the box thinking.

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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