Yes, stick the genda.asp back on the end.

> > genda.asp

Craig, your note was grounded in your experience as a landlord.  I'm curious whether 
you could
muster up any arguments to counter your own.  Is it a worthless endeavor to find and 
remove lead
because it is so prevalent in the city?  Since a rented residence is in effect a 
business, should
it be held to a higher level of accountability of health standards than a private 
owner occupied
dwelling?  Btw, I have no information on how prevalent it is, but I would be 
interested to see
your source.

Jason Stone / Nokomis

--- Craig Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Link broke
> goto the city main site
> bottom middle official pubs and notes
> click
> then click council committee meeting schedules agendas
> then click standing committees
> then click public safety and reg services
> then click meeting schedule
> then click current/committee agenda pull down window and select public
> saf/reg services 3-26-03
> Anyone got a faster way to the link?
> Craig Miller
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Craig Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Issues Mpls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 2:53 PM
> Subject: [Mpls] Doing in the small city landlord
> > Check out tomorrow's Public Safety and Regulatory Services Agenda.
> >
> > genda.asp
> >
> > City staff has teamed up with 504 to fund the further destruction of
> > affordable rental housing.
> > This time the bogeyman is lead.
> >
> > Is there lead in rental housing? Yes
> > Is there lead in 90% of all the housing in the city, including single
> family
> > homes? Yes
> > Is charging $3.00 per unit per year to fund "big lead" hunters going to
> make
> > more affordable housing available?  No
> > Are big lead hunters going to find "big lead" ?  Yes
> > Are rental properties going to be targeted? Yes
> > Are rental properties going to go vacant and eventually be destroyed?  Yes
> >
> > Has Project 504 discovered another way to fund the destruction of rental
> > property owners or the taking over of their property???
> >
> > Are there going to be programs available to protect the life savings of a
> > single elderly women who has relied on the rent from her duplex for the
> last
> > twenty years?  No, don't let anybody fool you.  The landlord will pay for
> > this or they will stop renting.  Or worse yet, the unit will go
> unoccupied,
> > and you know what happens then.  Soon the landlord (suburban or your
> > neighbor) loses the property.
> >
> > Call your city council member, especially if it's
> >
> > Niziolek, Samuels, Colvin Roy, Johnson Ostrow Zerby
> >
> > Tell them to vote no tomorrow unless the city has a program to pay for all
> > the work orders that are going to be drawn up.  This is going to devalue
> > each and every piece of rental housing in the city by a large chunk.  It
> > will also drive up insurance rates on all housing in the city.  The means
> > for proving that the owner of the property ( this includes former
> > homeowners) had prior knowledge of lead just got lower.  The grounds for
> > lawsuit just got lower.
> >
> > Mpls property owners already pay extra premium for various sins of city
> > policy.  Now we'll just have to pay more.
> >
> >
> > Craig Miller
> > Former Mpls Landlord living in Rogers
> >
> >
> > 1. Send all posts in plain-text format.
> > 2. Cut as much of the post you're responding to as possible.
> >
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