> Neal Krasnoff wrote:
> > 
> > That is why an officer, when faced with an apparent EDP who is 
> > attacking the officer with a knife - will react as his training has 
> > taught him: "...sight alignment, trigger control, center mass."
> > 
Rosalind Nelson responds:
> The officers might benefit from more nuanced training.  
> Unfortunately for Officer Ngo, this was also the way his 
> backup responded to his call for help.  

Rosalind raises a very good point.  When the cops start shooting at the
cops, shouldn't the police brass start figuring out that something is

Why did the cop that shot Officer Ngo go in with so much firepower?  Not
only was he shooting at one of his own, he was doing it with a
tremendous amount of firepower.  How many mistakes need to be made
before something starts to change.

Why does the training say shoot when someone has a knife?  Leaving an
closing the door behind you also takes you out of danger.

Maybe we should adopt the London standard and take the guns out of the
hands of most of the cops.

Terrell Brown
Loring Park

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