At 09:02 PM 10/26/03 -0600, Neal Krasnoff wrote:
Don't change the subject. Address the statement of fact as written.

Neal Krasnoff
Loring Park

I'd be delighted. In the Barbara Schneider case, she was shot to death over having her radio too loudly. Her neighbors and building manager knew very well that playing her radio loudly was a sign that her mental illness was spiraling out of control. The building manager asked police to stop by his apartment before going to Barbara's apartment. But the cops didn't do that. Instead, they broke down her front door. Then then broke down her locked bedroom door and shot her four times as she sat on the floor of her room. The small kitchen knife found in her bedroom was 15 feet from her body. But don't believe me on any of this--I got it from Friends of Barbara Schneider, a respected organization not known for hyperbole or "coddling criminals". To quote John Trepp, a representative of that organization, "not even the Taliban would have dispatched a firing squad to deal with a small woman playing her radio loudly."

Them's the facts, like it or not.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

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