I'm aware of the unfortunate misconception of MQ as a glorified and costly FTP, but this is precisely the area in which it's being challenged - Connect Direct is seen as a viable alternative when it's just a file transfer role that's being considered. My question was then as a head-to-head file transfer solution, what's the knock-out punch for MQ vs. CD, if any?

Sent by: "MQSeries List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

06/20/2002 10:15 AM
Please respond to "MQSeries List"

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: MQ vs Connect Direct

Connect Direct is a file transfer system... Why do you want to compare them
?   CD uses TCP/IP, or SNA (LU6 or LU0)  Its very fast using LU0.

                     Steve_Sacho@COUN         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     TRYWIDE.COM              cc:
                     Sent by:                 Subject: MQ vs Connect Direct

                     06/20/2002 12:07
                     Please respond
                     to MQSERIES

Anyone have a brief comparison of MQSeries vs. Connect Direct (from


Anyone have a brief comparison of MQSeries vs. Connect Direct (from



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