You need to say email to make your management understand?  Nuff said.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Beinert, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: MQ vs Connect Direct

> Ronald is right. Basically MQ is reliable program to program e-mail.
> The rest is bells and whistles. Not stuff I am willing to live without,
> when I have to explain MQ to  management that has never heard of it,
> "reliable program to program e-mail" gets them to first base.
> Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Tsujimoto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 4:16 PM
> Subject: Re: MQ vs Connect Direct
> That's a stretch.  How does email support XA coordination with data bases?
> How does email support grouping/segmenting messages?  How does messaging
> support multi-levels of confirmation of delivery/arrival?  How about
> clustered queues?  Need I go on?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ronald Weinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 7:15 AM
> Subject: Re: MQ vs Connect Direct
> In concept,  messaging is nothing more than e-mail between programs.
> "Roberto Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-Wien.AC.AT> on
> 06/20/2002 04:36:06 PM
> Please respond to "MQSeries List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent by:    "MQSeries List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:    Re: MQ vs Connect Direct
> ... designed as an e-mail system...?,
> mqcommit, mqrollback, get(msgid), get(correlid), get(priority), mqalias,
> model queues, triggers, channel priority, cluster managers, etc. etc, etc,
> etc...
> all of this is so more than an e-mail system.
> Another option is consider Connect-Direct versus Tivoli Data Exchange (no
> Tivoli framework required)
> Regards.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Roberto Oscar Sanchez - Arquitecto de Sistemas Centrales
> Banco Galicia - Gerencia de Sistemas - Arquitectura Corporativa
> Peron 537 - Piso 3 'A' - C1038AAK - 6329-5349/5346
> Buenos Aires - Argentina - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                     Ronald Weinger
>                     <rweinger@METLI       Para:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                     FE.COM>               cc:
>                     Enviado por:          Asunto:      Re: MQ vs Connect
> Direct
>                     MQSeries List
>                     <MQSERIES@AKH-W
>                     ien.AC.AT>
>                     20/06/2002
>                     15.50
>                     Por favor,
>                     responda a
>                     MQSeries List
> Without some value-added functonality, MQSeries will lose.
> Connect Direct was designed as  a file transfer system. MQSeries was
> designed as an e-mail system. If you want head-to-head, look at
> CommerceQuest e-Adapter vs Connect Direct.
> "Steve Sacho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-Wien.AC.AT> on 06/20/2002
> 02:14:44 PM
> Please respond to "MQSeries List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent by:    "MQSeries List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:    Re: MQ vs Connect Direct
> I'm aware of the unfortunate misconception of MQ as a glorified and costly
> FTP, but this is precisely the area in which it's being challenged -
> Connect Direct is seen as a viable alternative when it's just a file
> transfer role that's being considered. My question was then as a
> head-to-head file transfer solution, what's the knock-out punch for MQ vs.
> CD, if any?
>                             philip.distefano@JPMCH
>                             ASE.COM                  To:
>                             Sent by: "MQSeries
>                             List"                    T
>                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:
>                             AT>                      Subject:
>                                                      Re: MQ vs Connect
>                             06/20/2002 10:15 AM      Direct
>                             Please respond to
>                             "MQSeries List"
> Connect Direct is a file transfer system... Why do you want to compare
> ? CD uses TCP/IP, or SNA (LU6 or LU0) Its very fast using LU0.
> Steve_Sacho@COUN To:
> Sent by: Subject: MQ vs Connect Direct
> MQSERIES@akh-wie
> 06/20/2002 12:07
> PM
> Please respond
> Anyone have a brief comparison of MQSeries vs. Connect Direct (from
> Sterling)?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Anyone have a brief comparison of MQSeries vs. Connect Direct (from
> Sterling)?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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