I should clarify -

I was not talking about hardcoding per se but using the replytoqmgr and
replytoqueuename  and not defining them on the replying side qmanager.  I
know these are mutually exclusive we have hundreds of flows and only about
3 or 4 have taken this approach and everytime there is a problem it kinda
stumps us for a bit because we can not even find the definition for the
queue they are talking about - then we say oh ya its not required and they
have to go back to their program and find the complete queue name for us.

Doing this there is no visibility to the flow inside of MQ when looking at
definitions - you know there is a channel and an xmitQ  queue but if
someone asked you what these are used for other than sending messages all
you could do is shrug your shoulders.

we also have had to add multiple channels to service some message flows
when we did this all we had to do create the channels and xmitQ's and
modify the RemoteQdefs and no application changes were required this was a

Tim Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 01/09/2003 05:21:52

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:    MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:    Re: Remote Queues

Except that you can wind up with hundreds of definitions, queue manager
aliasing is kind of nice for avoiding that. Someone else mentioned
hardcoding of names I would have thought that the actual names of
destination queue and queue manager should be in a configuration file read
by the program not hard coded.

Also if you take proper advantage of MQ's clustering features then you have
no need to create remote queue definitions it's all done automatically. I
realise that MQ clustering used to have its own problems but its pretty
stable now.

Tim A

                      Randy J Clark
                      <Randy_Clark@AHM.        To:
                      HONDA.COM>               cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Remote Queues

                      10/01/2003 08:49
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

I am asking for some opinions on sending to remote queues without having a
remote queue definition on the sending queue manager just specifying remote
qmgr and remote queue name in the MQOPEN.

Usig this method.

      In the ObjectName field of the MQOD structure, specify the name of
      the remote queue, as known to the remote queue manager. In the
      ObjectQMgrName field, specify either:
            The name of the transmission queue that has the same name as
            the remote queue manager. Note that the name and case
            (capitals, lower case or a mixture) must match exactly.
            The name of a queue manager alias object that resolves to the
            destination queue manager or the transmission queue.

      This tells the queue manager the destination of the message as well
      as the transmission queue it needs to be put on to get there.

I know there are or maybe times when you "have to" do it this way but
overall I am not crazy about the lack of documentation involved using this

Seems to me even if the sending application is not going to create and use
a remote queue def on its own local Qmgr one should or maybe should exist
just for documentation purposes.

Without this it seems there is no reasonable way to know exactly what is
being sent between Qmgrs.

Any comments??

As you can tell I think there should be I know an extra object created even
if not used just for documentational purposes otherwise when ask what is
going between these two qmgrs I have no idea.

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