Well, of course, some of us won't get to go to the conference :-( so I guess
the choice is to put 'em here. Here's a list I came up with...

1) I'd like to strongly second an earlier wish to have Java clients support
channel tables. I need this and I need it badly.

2) Also a Java thing. First, understand I'm not a Java programmer, but the
impression I've gotten from reading others' postings (and I may be wrong
here) is that if you're using the Java client, you must specify the userid
and that Java won't pick up the userid from the task issuing the MQ calls.
OK, if it's possible within the constructs and constraints of the language,
please make a change so that the userid is picked up from the task's userid
automatically, similar to the situation with the regular C client on an NT

3) I think many of us have seen the problem of not being able to start a
channel when there are duplicates in the channel SYNCQ. The fix is to get a
utility from IBM (CSQ4SYNC on OS/390 and I'd guess there's something similar
on the distributed qmgrs). It would be nice if that utility were distributed
as part of the product. And, after all, what harm is there? If it's not the
problem and there are no duplicates, nothing will be deleted.

4) Sure would be nice to be able to easily restart the CICS trigger monitor
and end up with the address space userid, the same as you get when it's
started from the PLT.

5) It seems that people are often asking from help with shutdowns. How about
sample startup and shutdown scripts for the distributed environments? At
least it would get people started.

6) Based on an (unpleasant) experience where a Solaris sysadmin installed MQ
on a server for me and then we couldn't get crtmqm to work after putting on
the latest CSD... How about removing the part of the install script that
allows you to loop back and select another option to install? Or at least a
warning that if you do that, trouble will ensue. And, if possible, how about
listing out  interpreted CLASSES when you do a pkginfo? (Can you do that? I
don't know.) I learned more than an OS/390 person should ever need to know
about Solaris install scripts and packages as a result of this simple (and
very human) error.

7) Now here's one that I don't really expect anyone from IBM to take
seriously, but I'm putting here anyway: How about some doc on setting up MQ
mainframe security in a nonRACF environment? This is actually a concern with
a multitude of IBM products for those of us in ACF2 shops (and, I would
guess, other security packages, too). There's always a lot of "well, let's
try this and see what happens". It's messy and error-prone. Actually, this
would be a good collaborative project for those of us in this situation.

Anyway, that's my semi-short list. Have fun in Las Vegas!

        -- Rebecca

Rebecca Bullock
Computer Sciences Corporation
MFCoE/Newark CS Team

Educational Testing Service Account
Princeton, NJ 08541


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