Title: MQ Client Channel Security Products?
Each to their own view I guess, and I will admit to being biased :-)
The SSL 5.3 song works well if you're all 5.3 and all TCP/IP, but what about other transports such as SNA, or those with mixed networks or non 5.3 QMs (lots of folks still run VMS and Tandem or MVS MQ 2.1).   We also offer compression as part of the product.
Also DSMQ is more than just channel exit security, we also provide an application transparent end to end security solution for MQ as part of the product.
For those who know Tivoli's AMBI or PDMQ, it is similar in concept, but much easier to implement and has IMHO more functionality and is just as secure.   Furthermore you don't require the whole Tivoli Access Manager infrastructure to make it work.  For example DSMQ supports segmented messages and can also compress data prior to encryption processing (YMMV).
David C. Partridge
Security and MQ Products Manager
Primeur Group
Tel: +44 (0)1926 511058
Mobile: +44 (0)7713 880197


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