Title: MQ Client Channel Security Products?
One other security product to consider - IBM's recently announced WebsphereMQ Extended Security Edition V5.3 which includes MQ5.3 SSL plus Tivoli Access Manager for Business Integration. Unfortunately not yet available for OS/390.
-----Original Message-----
From: David C. Partridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 June 2003 12:10
Subject: Re: MQ Client Channel Security Products?

No, compression isn't being taken out of DSMQ.   DCMQ is a complementary product to DSMQ, it does end to end compression as messages are put to or gotten from the queues.   DSMQE2E can process (if so configured as to allow it) messages sent by DCMQ are compressed.   You typically wouldn't install both DCMQ and the E2E part of DSMQ on the same QM.
The channel data compression will remain in DSMQ Link (aka DSMQP2P) as we've found there can be quite a bit of benefit in compressing data prior to encryption.
The platforms we support for E2E are 390 (2.1, 5.2 and 5.3), and Windows, AIX, HP_UX, Linux, and Solaris for 5.3 QMs with API crossing exit.   We are investigating options for the other platforms.   We don't support 5.2 Solaris as the version of the crossing exit at the 5.2 level needed quite a few fixes written for us which were done in 5.3 base, but were never rolled back into the 5.2 code.
YMMV == "Your Mileage May Vary"  from USA adverts for vehicles giving fuel consumption figures.   To be read as the benefits may vary depending on the data compressibility and size.


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