Title: SSL with RACF self signed certificates

Hi all,
I am trying to test SSL authentication / encryption and having trouble getting all the definitions correct. For now I will be happy if I can get the channel initiator happy.

This is what I did:
1. Define keyring in RACF (QMGRRING)
2. Defined a certificate in RACF to allow RACF to act as a CA (RACDCERT CERTAUTH CERTGEN)
3. Request a personnel certificate from RACF for my chin task user-id (RACDCERT CERTGEN)
4. Connect the certificate to the keyring (RACDCERT CONNECT)
5. Tell the queue manager the keyring name
6. Use 8 for the tasks to attach for SSL
7. Refresh RACF keyring class
8. Stop/start queue manager

When I start the queue manager up the chininit will not attach these tasks for SSL and gives me the following result for each task to attach:

CSQX625E +QMGR CSQXSRVS System SSL error, function 'gsk_initialize' RC=-99

This return code is suppose to be in documented in appendix D of the System Secure Sockets Layer Programming Guide
 manual. This manual only goes to appendix C.

It then dumps with :
DUMP TITLE=QMGR,ABN= 5C6-00E70053,C=F1000.530.CHIN           ,L

Any advice on what I am missing or doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

Henry Fogwill

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