There's something broken along your comm path to the cluster, e.g. router,
firewall, etc.  Get your comm person to check it out.  I typically get this
sort of problem when my VPN tunnel between two queue managers goes south.

                      Antony Boggis
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      Sent by:                 cc:
                      MQSeries List            Subject: AMQ9213 & Bind failures on 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      01/21/2004 12:52
                      Please respond
                      to MQSeries List

Env: Solaris 5.8, WMQ 5.3 CSD05

I have a clustered queue manager that is reporting bind errors.

AMQ9213: A communications error for bind occurred.

In the error log, I am getting bind error 13.

Along with the error log reports, I am getting generated FDC files:


      | WebSphere MQ First Failure Symptom Report
      | =========================================
      | Date/Time         :- Tuesday January 20 20:42:09 PST 2004
      | Host Name         :- vdpsusptas02 (SunOS 5.8)
      | PIDS              :- 5724B4103
      | LVLS              :- 530.5  CSD05
      | Product Long Name :- WebSphere MQ for Sun Solaris
      | Vendor            :- IBM
      | Probe Id          :- RM070000
      | Application Name  :- MQM
      | Component         :- cccJobMonitor
      | Build Date        :- Sep 27 2003
      | CMVC level        :- p530-05-L030926
      | Build Type        :- IKAP - (Production)
      | UserID            :- 00001002 (jlee)
      | Program Name      :- runmqlsr_nd
      | Process           :- 00001437
      | Thread            :- 00000003
      | Major Errorcode   :- rrcE_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR
      | Minor Errorcode   :- OK
      | Probe Type        :- MSGAMQ9213
      | Probe Severity    :- 2
      | Probe Description :- AMQ9213: A communications error for bind
      occurred.     |
      | FDCSequenceNumber :- 0
      | Arith1            :- 13 d
      | Arith2            :- 13 d
      | Comment1          :-
      | Comment2          :- bind
      | Comment3          :- (/tmp/MQSeries.1437)


Consequently, all the other cluster queue managers that are trying to
communicate to this manager are failing (the cluster sender channel on
these remote queue managers go to a BINDING or RETRYING state).

I don't see anything also binding to the port (1414). The listener (not
using inetd) process starts fine (it terminates if it can't bind to the
specified port, right?).

I have tried stopping/restarting.
Even tried rebuilding and refreshing cluster info.

... to no avail.

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