
I think WMQI is putting the messages on DLQ (I don't
know why though). As far as I remember the reason
codes for the mssages put on DLQ by WMQI are in the
form of  6nnnn.


--- David Awerbuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an interesting situation.  I have a local
> queue that is being sent to
> from a remote queue.  The message appears to show up
> on the queue (curdepth
> goes from 0 to 1).  But when I try to browse the
> queue using a browsing utility
> (Paul's MQMONNTP), the message does not show up in
> the browse list, but instead
> winds up in the DLQ.  The DLH contains a reason
> 65540 (unrecognized).
> Question 1)  What the heck is going on here?  How
> does a message get delivered
> to a local queue, stay there for a few minutes, then
> get moved to the DLQ when
> it is retrieved?  I am guessing that Paul is
> browsing the queue in order to
> build the browse list.
> Question 2) what is a 65540 anyway?  I can't seem to
> find a reference to this
> number, and I did a google search as well as an ibm
> website search.  I know
> that the MQFB_APPL_FIRST is 65536, but I can't find
> any reference to FB codes
> or RC codes with the value 4.
> Unfortunately, the messages are being received from
> a vendors production system
> into our test system, which I will not be able to
> conenct to again until
> Tuesday evening.  In the meantime, I hope to connect
> an internal channel and
> send another message across tomorrow.  In the
> meantime, I have attached the jpg
> file showing the message display from mqmonntp.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave A.
> =====
> David A. Awerbuch,  IBM Certified MQSeries
> Specialist
> APC Consulting Services, Inc.
> Providing Automated Solutions to Business Challenges
> West Hempstead, NY    (516) 481-6440
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> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/pjpeg name=dlq66540.jpg

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