Hello all,

Philip,  No, I am not using MQSI.  The receiving application is Swift Alliance.

Peter, regarding another appl, this is the tool I am using on a regular basis,
and just gave up last night and went home after reporting the secondary

HOWEVER .....  this is what I've learned in the past 2 hours (I'm a sick man, I
get to work real early) ....

The Swift Alliance application is receiving the messages - apparently on a
polling schedule, not an MQGET with timeout, which explains why the messages
would hang out for a while before disappearing from the target queue.
SwiftAlliance itself is then moving the message to the DLQ, since there is an
alarm message in Swift Alliance (for an incorrectly formatted msg, makes sense)
that contains the MQGID of the invalid message, which matches the messages that
are in the DLQ.

I have never before seen an application move a message to the DLQ, which is why
I didn't think to look that way.  So, I reread the Swift docs this morning on
the MQS interface, and sure enough, buried deep in the documentation (no index,
of course, this is Swift) they mention oh-by-the-way that a message can be put
to the DLQ with an error 65540 - invalid message format.

Problem solved, case closed.

I need a vacation, too many long days rushing to get this piece of s--t into

Thanks for the responses.

Dave Awerbuch

PS.  I will not be in the office tomorrow, so tomorrow will not be a Magic Day.

David A. Awerbuch,  IBM Certified MQSeries Specialist
APC Consulting Services, Inc.
Providing Automated Solutions to Business Challenges
West Hempstead, NY    (516) 481-6440

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