Look at the MQMD.PutApplName of the DLQ message this should provide some
hint as to what application placed the message on the DLQ.


I remember seeing the 65540 reason code when message were put to the DLQ by
MQSI.  So, are you using MQSI ?

                      David Awerbuch
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                      AHOO.COM>                cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  messages jumps
from localq to dlq
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      02/12/2004 08:01
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List


I have an interesting situation.  I have a local queue that is being sent
from a remote queue.  The message appears to show up on the queue (curdepth
goes from 0 to 1).  But when I try to browse the queue using a browsing
(Paul's MQMONNTP), the message does not show up in the browse list, but
winds up in the DLQ.  The DLH contains a reason 65540 (unrecognized).

Question 1)  What the heck is going on here?  How does a message get
to a local queue, stay there for a few minutes, then get moved to the DLQ
it is retrieved?  I am guessing that Paul is browsing the queue in order to
build the browse list.

Question 2) what is a 65540 anyway?  I can't seem to find a reference to
number, and I did a google search as well as an ibm website search.  I know
that the MQFB_APPL_FIRST is 65536, but I can't find any reference to FB
or RC codes with the value 4.

Unfortunately, the messages are being received from a vendors production
into our test system, which I will not be able to conenct to again until
Tuesday evening.  In the meantime, I hope to connect an internal channel
send another message across tomorrow.  In the meantime, I have attached the
file showing the message display from mqmonntp.

Thanks in advance,
Dave A.

David A. Awerbuch,  IBM Certified MQSeries Specialist
APC Consulting Services, Inc.
Providing Automated Solutions to Business Challenges
West Hempstead, NY    (516) 481-6440

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#### dlq66540.jpg has been removed from this note on February 13 2004 by
Philip J DiStefano

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