Hello Andre,

Do the messages you're counting always traverse a channel?

If any are put locally then you'll miss them with the channel status
technique.  You'll likely miss some anyway, especially if you have
clients, depending how often you check and how long the channels live.
Plus you need to determine if you're looking at new or pre-existing
channel instances to determine how to increment your values.

Using a channel message exit you shouldn't miss any messages traversing
non-client channels but it is a bit on the complex side.  You can count
client messages using send/rcv exit(s) but that's a bit more
complicated.  I've used those methods and they do work well though.

If all you need to do is count messages, i.e. don't need a byte count,
then the ResetQueueStatistics PCF command is generally the ticket.  It's
very easy to do using perl, and not difficult in java, etc.  If you do
need a byte count and don't mind writing exits you might take a look at
capturing relevant information from MQPUT[1]/MQGET calls in an API exit.

Buying something works too.


van Zyl, Andre wrote:

Thanks for all the ideas. I think that the best would be to purchase
some lightweight WMQ monitoring tool, else if 100% accuracy is not an
issue, one can simply look at channel / queue stats figures at regular
intervals to compile the required information as required.


    -----Original Message-----
    *From:* Adiraju, Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    *Sent:* 02 March 2004 11:03
    *Subject:* Re: MQ Message statistics

    One simple option I can think off, is gathering the statistics
    from "Channel Status".   Channel status will give you the number
    of messages and number of bytes transmitted.

    In absence of monitoring tools, I suggest to run a query every
    night to take a snap shot of channel status and analyse the
    figures from there (either through a script or program).  I do
    know that channel sequence number gets reset after reaching it's
    maximum defined on the channel definition and you have to
    factor this in counting the messages.  However, I am not sure how
    big are the other fields and when do they get reset - you have to
    give a go at them and see (unless somebody add some info from this
    forum). The fields of interest are:

    course buffer size if you need).

Let us know, how it goes.



    *From:* van Zyl, Andre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    *Sent:* 2 March 2004 10:19 PM
    *Subject:* MQ Message statistics
    *Importance:* High

    My client has requested that I give them statistics on MQSeries
    messages ( volumes etc) on a monthly basis. There is no MQ
    monitoring / admin software installed other than the standard MQ.

    We have a hub and spoke architecture, and all mq messages
    currently flow through the central windows 2000 server and use
    circular logging. No clustering or MQclients are involved at this
    stage. On the hub we have WMQI flows for message transformation
    and distribution purposes.

    I would like to find out what the most optimal way would be to
    gather statistics on message volumes passing through our central
    HUB server. The 2 options I am considering at the moment is to
    either use channel exits or to actually modify the message flows
    to add another destination for each message flow. This additional
    queue will trigger a program which will collect stats for monthly

Any advice will be much appreciated!

(WMQI version 2.1 and WMQ version 5.3)

Andre van Zyl


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