Hi Pavel,

I think you will like "Q" its not extremely user friendly (because its
command line driven not a gui), but for folks who don't mind going through
the docs, it is a very useful tool.

One thing that tripped me up when I first started to use it is that it will
connect as a client or a server dynamically, you don't need two different
versions of the executable for that. What I discovered is that it attempts
to use its server libraries first, and simply fails if it can't find the
queue manager name it was given. So, because I run a full server on the
work station I use to admin MQ here it started to give me 2058 errors. I
was confused at first, and thought I must have "fat fingered" the queue
manager name or something like that. But what it was doing was attempting
to connect to a queue manager on my local machine as a server, rather than
a remote queue manager as I had intended. It completely ignored the
MQSERVER variable I set up to have it do a client connection. So, If you
use it from a machine that has MQ installed, and you want to connect to a
remote queue manager, you have to tell Q to use the client libraries with a
command line flag as you see below.

-l mqic32 (for a windows box of course)

Its a minor point about the program, but will cause some frustration if you
don't know about it.


Bill Anderson
SITA Atlanta, GA
Standard Messaging Engineering
WebSphere MQ Service Owner
770-303-3503 (office)
404-915-3190 (cell)

                      Pavel Tolkachev
                      <pavel.tolkachev@        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      DB.COM>                  cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: Problem with clearing a 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      05/26/2004 03:44
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Thanks Bill,

I will look into it. My sample program has a lot of options, too (20 or so
:-)). Unfortunately, I built it with the dependencies on the company's
code, otherwise I would have submitted it as a support pack :-(.


                      Bill Anderson
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                      TA.AERO>                 cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: Problem with
clearing a queue
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      05/26/2004 01:44
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Support Pack MA01 is a much better choice than any of the sample programs
such as amqsget. It can connect as a client or server and has enough
command line options to make you dizzy. I use it allot, especially to move
(or copy) messages from one queue to another.

Bill Anderson
SITA Atlanta, GA
Standard Messaging Engineering
WebSphere MQ Service Owner
770-303-3503 (office)
404-915-3190 (cell)

                      Pavel Tolkachev
                      <pavel.tolkachev@        To:
                      DB.COM>                  cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: Problem with
clearing a queue
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      05/26/2004 01:15
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Hello Gina,

I had this problem just today -- looks like it is contagious :-)

Stop channels, enable 'get' on the queue and remove all messages. Then
restart channels (I also had to reset sender although I am not sure if I
had to

use ALTER QLOCAL(xmit.queue.name) GET(enabled) FORCE. And you cannot use
amqsget because it does not remove truncated messages. I have a program of
my own that does it (accepting truncated messages).

I am not sure if this is "the right way"; anyone who knows the recommended
way of solving the problem, please let me know (my problem was that the
user had to change a downstream queue manager to another one and they made
the previous queue manager inavailable first thing :-). So some messages
got stuck in the transmission queue with the old XMITQ header).

Hope this will help,

                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      .NET                     To:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        cc:
                      List                     Subject:  Re: Problem with
clearing a queue
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      05/26/2004 11:17
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

"How about using 'rsvmqtrn' to either commit or back out the UoW??
 ---I dont think you can use "rsvmqtrn" as it is used only if you have a
transaction that is indoubt when you are doing a 2-phase commit.

"clear qlocal(OS4MQSP1)

AMQ8143: WebSphere MQ queue not empty.

Has any seen this? Any recommendations?"

 ---Gina, as already mentioned, there seems to be a UOW that is indoubt.

Did you get any error messages in your error log.  Usually you would see
something like, "the last batch of messages was not sent".  And this
because of the message sequence number.  Usually again, with large
Since the MCA has to send all of them within a UOW.

By the way, did the Channel go down by itself or was it stopped.  Did it at
any point in time go into retry state.

Any Fd's on either system.


        Ken Woloschuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        05/25/2004 09:08 AM
        Please respond to woloschuk

                 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 Subject: Re: Problem with clearing a queue

How about using 'rsvmqtrn' to either commit or back out the UoW??

 -----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 05:26
Subject: Re: Problem with clearing a queue


Sounds like the channel is "Indoubt".   Resolve the channel with the
BACKOUT option.   Then see if you can clear the queue.  If this works i
think you will need to reset the sequence number before starting the
channel back up.

                     Gina McCarthy
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                     .COM>                    cc:
                     Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: Problem with
clearing a queue
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                     05/25/2004 07:13
                     Please respond to


Thanks for your response. The reason why I didn't get the 'in use' message
is because the channel is down. There are no ipprocs/opprocs. The get/put
are both enabled. I even went as far as to change the usage to
normal...nothing is working.


 -----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with clearing a queue

Well, for one thing, if the channel is still running, it has the transmit
queue open for exclusive use. That means no other application can open the
queue for input (to get messages). If the channel is stopped, It would have
disabled gets on the queue when it went down, which has the same effect.
You would have to re-enable gets on the queue before you can clear it.

That said about xmit queues, I am surprised at the error, I would expect
something different, like "queue in use" or something similar.

Anyway, you may want to try ensuring the channel is down (stopped) and then
use MQSC commands to re-enable the get attribute on the queue and see if
that helps.

Bill Anderson
SITA Atlanta, GA
Standard Messaging Engineering
WebSphere MQ Service Owner
770-303-3503 (office)
404-915-3190 (cell)

                     Gina McCarthy
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                     .com>                    cc:
                     Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Problem with
clearing a queue
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                     05/24/2004 04:43
                     Please respond to

I have a queue on AIX 5.3 that has 25000 msgs in it. It is a transmit
queue. One of the messages is 2.5M...too big. I cannot delete that message
nor can I clear the queue. I get the following error:

clear qlocal(OS4MQSP1)

AMQ8143: WebSphere MQ queue not empty.

Has any seen this? Any recommendations?


Gina McCarthy

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