
Actually, Peter and I have been having a long discussion about it over at
mqseries.net .

Here's a summary of what I have discovered.  Please note the difference
between 'Destructive Get'  and 'Destructive Get message under cursor'.

Here's the layout without a loop structure. Assume 10 messages in the queue
for each test scenario.

Scenario #1:

Open Queue
Browse First - returns #1
Browse Next - returns #2
Browse Next - returns #3
Browse Next - returns #4
Browse Next - returns #5
Browse Next - returns #6
Destructive Get message under cursor - - returns #6
Browse Next - returns #7
Browse Next - returns #8
Browse Next - returns #9
Browse Next - returns #10
Browse Next - returns 2033 - no more messages
Close Queue

Scenario #2:

Open Queue
Browse First - returns #1
Browse Next - returns #2
Browse Next - returns #3
Browse Next - returns #4
Browse Next - returns #5
Browse Next - returns #6
Destructive Get message under cursor - - returns #6
Destructive Get - returns #1
Destructive Get - returns #2
Destructive Get - returns #3
Destructive Get - returns #4
Destructive Get - returns #5
Destructive Get - returns 6th message in queue originally #7
Destructive Get - returns 7th message in queue originally #8
Destructive Get - returns 8th message in queue originally #9
Destructive Get - returns 9th message in queue originally #10
Destructive Get - returns 2033 - no more messages
Close Queue

If I don't stop it after a particular number of messages then the above
happens (i.e. only destructively get 5 messages).

Scenario #3:

Open Queue
Browse First - returns #1
Browse Next - returns #2
Browse Next - returns #3
Browse Next - returns #4
Browse Next - returns #5
Browse Next - returns #6
Destructive Get message under cursor - - returns #6
Browse Next - returns #7
Destructive Get - returns #1
Browse Next - returns #8
Destructive Get - returns #2
Browse Next - returns #9
Destructive Get - returns #3
Browse Next - returns #10
Destructive Get - returns #4
Browse Next - returns 2033 - no more messages

It's kinda cool that the cursors are truly independent of one another but it lends me back to my original question: How do you move the destructive get cursor?

Regards, Roger Lacroix

At 11:23 AM 7/31/2004, you wrote:
On test #2 is this the sequence:
Browse_First (#1)
Browse_Next (#2)
Browse_Next (#3)
Browse_Next (#4)
Browse_Next (#5)
Browse_Next (#6)
Get_Under_Cursor (#6)
Get_Under_Cursor (#?)

Browse_First (#1)
Browse_Next (#2)
Browse_Next (#3)
Browse_Next (#4)
Browse_Next (#5)
Browse_Next (#6)
Get_Under_Cursor (#6)
Browse_Next (#7 one would assume)
Get_Under_Cursor (#?)
Browse_Next (#8 one would assume)


I know the book sez that the Get_Msg_Under_Cursor will remove the last
message gotten with a Browse_Msg_First or Browse_Msg_Next.

So I will stick out my neck and assume that you just deleted the message
pointed to by the Broswe_Next and the only pointer left pointing to a valid
message is Browse_First and thus when you delete that one the cursor is
moved to the next valid first message in the queue.


From: Roger Lacroix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Message under cursor
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 18:04:03 -0400


I was doing some testing of MQ code and have a question.

First the testing:

Test #1: I created a program to browse messages until a particular message
do a destructive get of it.   I put 10 messages in the queue and had the
program destructively get message number 6.  This worked fine and the queue
9 messages left the original message # 6 was removed.

I cleared the queue before the next test.

Test #2: I created a program to browse to message a particular message then
do a
destructive get of it and all remaining messages.   I put 10 messages in
queue and had the program destructively get message number 6 and the
messages (7,8,9&10).  This worked and but I did not get the results I was
expecting.  It should have removed the 5 messages starting at messages # 6
(i.e. 6,7,8,9&10).  It removed 5 messages but they were message #
The message # 5,7,8,9&10 were left on the queue.

I did several tests and concluded the following: When the program does a
destructive get for a 'message under cursor', it does not actually move the
destructive get cursor.

For those who do not know, when an application reads a message there are 2
cursors that keep track of where you are while getting messages.  There is
Browse Cursor and a Destructive Read Cursor.  They are independent of each

I thought that when an application does a 'destructive get under cursor'
(MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR) that the destructive get cursor was moved to the
current message position but that does not appear to be true.  It remains
its previous position.

I.e. In my example, even though my app. did a 'destructive get under
cursor' for
message number 6, the destructive get cursor was still pointing to the
message in the queue.

So, to the question:  How do you move the destructive get cursor without
deleting messages?  I have gone through the GetMessageOptions and I don't

It appears that once you starting browsing beyond the first message, you
stuck with doing the 'destructive get under cursor' for removing messages.
(Because the 'destructive get under cursor' is still pointing at the first
message. )

So, if this is not the solution, then what is a better one?

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

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