
The problem with this approach is that MQ gives you two types of GET and neither 
involve a cursor that you control directly.  The first type of GET is that you take 
whatever the next message is that the QMgr gives you in the current logical view of 
the queue.  In this method, you GET messages from the head of the queue and advance 
only by doing destructive GETs.  The other method is where you GET a message that you 
know for sure you want because you already browsed to it or because you know the MsgID 
or CorrellID.  There is no option to browse to a certain position and then 
destructively GET successive messages.

In your scenario where you get exclusive control of the queue, one way to simulate 
what Roger wants to do would be to do GETs under syncpoint to lock up the messages you 
want to keep, and then doing GETs outside of syncpoint to delete the target messages.  
A BACKOUT then restores the unwanted messages to the queue.

But the takeaway from this is that the concept of your "position" in a queue is not 
generally valid.  It may very well be valid in the context of specific applications 
where the variables are well controlled (i.e. - you know and control the readers and 
writers, the message flows are well understood and everybody plays by the rules), but 
a generalized queue program should not rely on position.  This is especially true for 
a utility program such as you might get from Capitalware or Reconda, for example.  In 
this case, the vendor does not know beforehand whether queues are FIFO or Priority, 
whether logical or physical ordering is used, whether messages will be segmented or 
grouped, how many readers and writers are active, and so on.  In this context it is 
difficult to infer anything about the "next" messages, and cursor position is an 
abstract concept at best.

Messages, on the other hand, are concrete.  So IBM gave us a way to process all the 
messages (successive GETs) or to process only selected messages that we already know 
something about (because we browsed them or know the MsgID and/or CorrelID), but not 
the ability to select messages based solely on position.  The fact that IBM does not 
provide a cursor positioning mechanism seems, IMHO, appropriate and the behavior Roger 
describes is what I would expect.

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Message under cursor


If many ways a queue is similar to a random access file, where a message
can be read sequentially, or via a "key",deleted (destructive read) and
written by one or more apps.  Normally, when a file is being updated,
exclusive control is established beforehand to ensure the integrity of the
operation.  What if Roger did the following:

1. browse till he found the(starting) essage he wants
2. record the "key" (msgid) of the message
3. reopen the queue with exclusive control
4. perform the destructive gets, using the msgid he store earlier to
establish his position

This would effectively prevent new messages from being inserted in the
queue, which could effect his logical view of the message order.  I haven't
tried it out, so it's simply a "what if" proposition.  One drawback is the
small window that's opened between the close and re-open of the queue for
exclusive control, where messages could be inserted/gotten.

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