Hi Pavel,

I think I have to address these in context to see below...

> Well, although this is true that there is no direct controls
> of the cursor, the documentation is specific enough about the
> behavior of the cursor. It calls it "browse cursor" and
> explains how exactly the behavior of MQGET with
> etc.depends on this cursor's position.

Ok, with you so far...

> What it does not
> explain is what happens to the cursor after getting a message

The manual lists only two ways to move the cursor: "The message pointed to by the 
browse cursor is the one that was last retrieved using either the MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST 
or the MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT option."

Since the cursor is moved only by a browse, a successful destructive GET points to a 
non-retrievable message.  The manual says that "If the browse cursor is not currently 
pointing to a retrievable message, an error is returned by the  MQGET  call."

So after getting a message with MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR, the cursor does not move nor 
does it point to a retrievable message.

> -- and Roger's experiments seem
> to show some contradictory behavior -- although he has not
> confirmed all the MQGMO options he used in every scenario yet.

When he browsed to a message and then issued non-browse GET calls, the messages were 
delivered from the head of the queue.  When he used MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT followed by 
MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR he got the target messages.  The only contradiction I saw was 
an expectation that a non-browse GET would honor the browse cursor and that doing a 
non-browse GET would advance the browse cursor.  But the manual contains a paragraph 
that says "Note that the browse cursor is not moved by nonbrowse  MQGET  calls using 
the same Hobj handle."  This is why I thought Roger was seeing the correct and 
expected behavior all along.

> BTW, you mentioned that using priorities may make the cursor
> concept 'abstract' but priorities are almost ignored when you
> use MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT; basically, you will never get a higher
> priority message until you reset the cursor, say, with
> MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST. This is the documented behavior but I
> learned this hard way.. So, I would say, using the cursor may
> make priority concept abstract, not other way around :-)

Small clarification here but I mentioned priority along with logical/physical 
ordering, message grouping, message segmentation and concurrent usage as a few of the 
factors contributing to the dynamic nature of the browse cursor.  The premise was that 
position (as opposed to message content) is a poor way to select messages for deletion 
from the queue.  If you throw away all the factors *except* priority, it's a 
completely different illustration.

-- T.Rob

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