Just to confirm that all horror stories below are all true.. :-)

Additionally, the user interface is the most counterintuitive GUI I have ever used. 
Additionally, now that Candle is bought, there is an uncertainty in terms of what of 
the product families will evolve better --- or even at all. And it costs a fortune.

And still, especially after Candle is bought, TIVOLI seems to be one of few complete 
and solid solutions, if not the only one.

One alternative (especially for those not requiring mainframe platform -- but maybe 
not exclusively) Nastel's AutoPilot  -- see 
http://www.nastel.com/products/ap_wsadmin.shtml. I only saw their demo but I was 
impressed. And they have a plugin to run it in HP's OpenView environment -- if you see 
it as an advantage.

Hope this will help,

                      Fred Oddo
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      Sent by: MQSeries        cc:
                      List                     Subject:  Re: Comparison of MQ 
monitoring tools
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      11/04/2004 04:23
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Use ITM ????
Or you could shoot yourself,. At lease that will be a less painful.......
Tivoli is beast. If you are considering ITM (IBM Tivoli Monitoring) anyway.
You need to install framework management and ITM sits on top of that.
You will need a few servers to implement the product plus a TEC monitor
where all the messages are routed to. You need a TEC server, Framework
gateway server(s), ITM server(s). How many depends on the size of the environment.
Also, you will need a dedicated staff to maintain the monster.
On the other hand, if you are a Z/os shop and want a Z/os only solution you could use 
BMC's Mainview.
I think the candle product is called BM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for WebSphere

Good luck...

Fred Oddo
CICS / MQ Systems Architect
212 855 - 1162

                          Karla Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                          Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   
cc:        (bcc: Fred Oddo/DTCC)
Subject:        Re: Comparison of MQ monitoring tools
                          11/04/2004 02:56 PM
                          Please respond to MQSeries List

You might want to look at Tivoli Monitoring for MQSeries....

Karla E. Kirkpatrick

MQSeries, System Administrator for Special Events
Work: (919) 486-2213
Cell: (919) 824-1574


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