And now about basses and bass guitars.

1) The instruments.xml file contains entries for: A) bass guitar, B)
acoustic bass, C) electric bass. Are they 3 different instruments or A) is
just a generic name for both B) and C)?

2) *MIDI*: They are assigned 3 different MIDI channels: A) 34, B) 32, C) 33.
Is this correct?

3) *Strings*: A) and C) are assigned 4 strings (E1 A1 D2 G2). For B) no
string data are supplied. Should it be the same as the other two?

4) *Ranges*: A) and C) are given a pro/amateur range E1 - F4 while B) is
given an amateur range E1 - D4 and a pro range B0 - G4. Correct? Really B)
goes a fourth below than the other two? Or is a contamination with the
5-string bass (see below)?

5) *5-string bass*: there has been requests for it to be added (for instance
<>  ) both to
instruments.xml and to the tablature presets. The suggested tuning is B0 E1
A1 D2 G2. Comments?


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