
Some days ago there was a discussion about the plugin framework for v2.0 on the 
IRC channel.
Lasconic pointed out, that work on the plugin framework will probably be part 
of a future release (not v2.0).

However, I've been working on the courtesy accidental plugin because only a few 
minor changes to the core were needed to make it work. You can find it at: 

My question is: Are there any plugins you got used to in v1.3 whose 
functionality is not part of v2.0 anyway and that you'd rather not miss in v2.0?
If so, I'd offer to have a look at them, to see if they can be ported anyway or 
with minor changes to the core.

There are also some problems with the demonstration plugins in share/plugins. 
Especially the 'random' plugins don't seem to work at all. Are there any plans 
what to do with them?


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