I have manually copied the two ssl files, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll,
into my msvc.install_x64/bin folder, and that does not fix the issue.
The only references to "dll_sll1" in the project are in CMakeLists.txt,
and they do not include the "-NOTFOUND" text anywhere
The only reference to "-NOTFOUND" in the project is also in
CMakeLists.txt, but it's in a comment on line 37, inside an if (APPLE):
# Apparently needed on Mac only (?)
if (APPLE)
# Issue no warning non-existent target argument to
# and set the result variable to a -NOTFOUND value rather than
issuing a FATAL_ERROR 40
if(POLICY CMP0045)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0045 OLD)
endif(POLICY CMP0045)
I am running Windows 10, not Apple, on this machine. I cannot find any
reference to CMP0045 anywhere else in the project. I am not fluent in
CMake, so this is about as far as I can go debugging it.
fyi - I have yet to receive my original message from the list server,
but it's all below:
On 12/11/2018 7:34 AM, Sideways Skullfinger wrote:
3>Error copying file "dll_ssl1-NOTFOUND" to
That is the complete error message. I realized I might be
misinterpreting it, in terms of the directories.
On 12/11/2018 7:33 AM, Sideways Skullfinger wrote:
I am seeing that new libraries have been added to the dependencies.7z
file for Windows compile support.
I have updated my dependencies folder, but I continue to get this
message because it seems that at least one of the .dll files belongs
in the install folder, not the dependencies folder. What is the
story here? Should these files be copied to the appropriate install
directory? If so, the instructions should reflect that, or the .7z
should have two folders inside it, or both.
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