Hallo Graeme,

Du schriebst am Mon, 03 Sep 2012 23:40:58 +0100:

> > Errr - and _why_, by any reason, should that be a hindrance to just pull
> > the contents of one specific directory out of that beast? Up to where
> I'm not here to give a history lesson. Read the Git documentation, 

I didn't mean to suggest that to you at all.
I just wondered whether there could be any good reason to disallow access
to a directory's worth of files if it _is_ allowed to pull the files one by

> OK... on more simple example: You pull only a subset of history (eg: 
> like a directory). You now don't have the full history because the files 

Who cares about that ... history? The starting point was to get the the
_contents_ of a specific directory, not its "history".
Just like when you pull a single file, you don't care about its "history",
you want the file itself, its data.

> There are lots more examples like this. My original answers still 
> stands: "For good reason"

A design decision. These are as justifiable as they're arbitrary.

> > Here's the reason for such unlimited connection requirements.
> No, I simply moved to a country that had much better internet connection 
> speeds and bandwidth, and at a fraction of the cost of what I paid for a 

Yes, that's the reason.

> very sad thing is, that I am now paying less than half for my 60Mb fibre 
> connection, than what I did for the 384Kb connection.

But does that make the slow 384Kb connection go away for the people that
were around you before you moved?
I don't think that's concerning you, but there _are_ people who exploit
everything to the utmost, and so they do with transmission speed on the
internet as well, and then they wonder why there are others that complain
about their attitude. That's reckless at the very least, and ruthless in
many cases. Inconsiderate anyway.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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