Now I have good Russian for all symbols.
Current problem: gdb does not work
People from wrote:
"Problems were also before for self-build with the debugger - it just
was not building, in the system simply lacked the necessary features
for linker."
> Did you try with a for CP866 adapted convert_lowascii_to_iso01?
I wrote:
        case c of
            #0: converted:=word('?');
            #1: converted:=word('?');
            #2: converted:=word('?');
            #3: converted:=word('?');
            #4: converted:=word('*');
            #5: converted:=word('?');
            #6: converted:=word('?');
            #7: converted:=word('*');
            #8: converted:=word('?');
            #9: converted:=word('*');
            #10: converted:=word('?');
            #11: converted:=word('?');
            #12: converted:=word('?');
            #13: converted:=word('?');
            #14: converted:=word('?');
            #15: converted:=word('*');
            #16: converted:=word('>');
            #17: converted:=word('<');
            #18: converted:=word('|');
            #19: converted:=word('#');
            #20: converted:=word('#');
            #21: converted:=word('S');
            #22: converted:=word('-');
            #23: converted:=word('!');
            #24: converted:=word('^');
            #25: converted:=word('v');
            #26: converted:=word('>');
            #27: converted:=word('<');
            #28: converted:=word('-');
            #29: converted:=word('~');
            #30: converted:=word('^');
            #31: converted:=word('v');
            #127: converted:=word('^');
It works well.

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