On Monday 07 January 2013 17:22:23 Алексей Логинов wrote:
> Thank you for fp.prj. Now I compiled fp-ide with help MSEide.
> But I can not run terminal in CP866.
> My command for running must be:
> export LANG=ru_RU.CP866 && export LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.CP866 && lxterminal ./fp
> but it does not work in MSEide (export does not supported).
> this command works: lxterminal ./fp
> but I need CP866
Did you try the -em option in 'Project'-'Options'-'Debugger'-'xterm Options'?
man xterm:
      -en encoding
               This option determines the encoding on which  xterm  runs.   It
               sets  the locale resource.  Encodings other than UTF-8 are sup-
               ported by using luit.  The -lc option should be used instead of
               -en for systems with locale support.
The environment variables for the debuggee can be set 
in 'Target'-'Environment'-'Environment variables'.


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