Hallo Graeme,

Du schriebst am Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:08:42 +0000:

> On 01/08/13 21:48, Sieghard wrote:
> > It's the same thing everytime this comes up - incompatibility prevails.
> Like I said, use OGG Video. It has a free and open source container and
> codec. Most web browser can play those videos, so you don't even need a
> dedicated video player.

Well, I've no poblem with that - I'm not a video guy, in fact, I really
dislike it when all some people present about a topic is a video "so you
can see everything for yourself".
Videos are much more time consuming than any text description
(notwithstanding the saying about picture and word count), it's extremely
easy to overlook something, you have to repeatedly rewind and review
something difficult to see or recognize, and it's often quite unclear
what's important and what's just irrelevant decoration.
(And I can't afford sufficient time for watching vanity plays.)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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