Hallo Michael,

Du schriebst am Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:07:41 +0100:

> Of course (for speed) you should not always use a preprocessor. But the 
> language should take care that the use of the standard preprocessor (in 

_No_ language can make certain that a preprocessor cannot be used.
_No_ language should depend on the use of a preprocessor.

> fact called "gcc") is possible.

You got a funny gcc. Mine doesn't do any preprocessing itself, it needs to
call an external program (named "cpp") for that purpose. Where does your
gcc come from?

> There are only very few things to be given:

Well, what you write only asks for one single thing: "C".

We're _not_ discussing C here, do we?

> Moreover gcc macros provides creation of " characters within a macro's 

The C preprocessor has developed into a gargantuan monster never conceived
to do what is was made to do. The original preprocessor was just an
afterthought add-on to allow for the use of (a kind of) symbolic constants
with C.

> code. This of course does not help for pascal sources, but onli 
> invalidates just this feature but not the general usability.

Pascal - especially the more modern dialects - doesn't need most of the
features of cpp.
Nonetheless can it be of use sometimes to have some source file processed
to create the really compilable code. In some respect, Martin's "i18n"
facility is such a program, and it even calls the compiler itself
(inverting gcc's method of calling the preprocessor from the compiler).

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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