On Thursday 03 December 2015 12:22:42 Saša Janiška wrote:
> I followed install instructions and found out about 'mseide
> --FONTALIAS=stf_menu,sans,16', but despite of that the font-size in
> 'Component Palette' is still too small without any obvious way how to
> change it?
You mean the icons? This are pixmaps which are independent of font settings.

> I see that FPC-3.0 should improve things at the Pascal side and being
> aware that Lazarus seems to be still problematic, but curious what could
> be problematic with fpGUI in regard?
It has the same "utf-8 in AnsiString" approach as currently Lazarus. The new 
Delphi compatible "code page aware 8-bit strings" of Free Pascal do not 
really help IMO because they are overly complicated and Delphi already 
removed them in their "next gen" compilers...

> > Please don't believe the statements that utf-16 is not sufficient to
> > simplify character access by index, it is not true, experience shows
> > the opposite.
> I was not going into details in regard, but, iirc, Go language does via
> utf-8 encoding which is also on my openSUSE Linux?
MSEgui also uses utf-8 for on disk storage and communication with utf-8 based 
OS (Windows uses utf-16 BTW).
But internally and in all GUI-elements it uses utf-16. That means that a 16 
bit code unit can hold all characters of the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane). 
An utf-8 code unit on the other hand can only hold #0..#127 (ASCII) so in 
order to store 'š' one needs a string where on utf-16 a "UnicodeCharacter" 
suffices which simplifies many text manipulation or character handling tasks 
a lot.
You most likely will read that utf-8 is better because one has problems with 
it from start and not only when codepoints above the BMP are used. And there 
is the braindead "utf-8 everywhere manifest"...
Again, this is nonsense, experience shows the opposite. For text constants one 
knows to which range the characters belong. Because of that most toolkits and 
newer languages use utf-16 internally (even Delphi). ;-)
> Btw, what is preferred way for help files in MSEgui, CHM viewer?
In order to provide context sensitive help all "twidget" descendant have 
a "helpcontext" property which can be combined with the helpsystem of your 
choice. Personally I most like fpGUI DocView from Graeme.


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