On 9/21/18 3:59 PM, fredvs wrote:
>> Or do you use SSH in GitHub with a valid key pair and damaged your key pair
> for GitLab? 
> No, I do not use SSH with Github, only a password.
> I know that SSH is more secure but I do not code forbidden things so I am
> not afraid.
SSH is more convenient because it allows to push with a common local
password for multipple used secret keys or even to use a secret key
without password.
> Maybe you can show me what I must do with the mse_compfun directory.
> I did already git init and here the result of git config:
> fred@fiens:~/mse_progfun$ git config -l
> user.name=fredvs
> user.email=fi...@hotmail.com
> core.repositoryformatversion=0
> core.filemode=true
> core.bare=false
> core.logallrefupdates=true
I don't know what you want to do. Can you explain?


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