Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Thu, 28 Feb 2019 07:30:15 -0700 (MST):

> Can somebody explain what is the advantage/inconvenient to use msei18n vs
> PO files (like fpGUI does)?
> What is the goal of mse18n (and more generally 18n)?

Well, for _msei18n_ specifically, I can provide some information.
Namely that it is not only an internationalzation function like the .po
files for translation of control elements and such.
It is much more generally useable - and it's because of such a use that I
know - to build variants of (GUI) programs by means of parametrizing the
control elements in every accessible manner. I.e. you can define a user
interface on your big machine creating a layout taking your wohle screen,
and then use msei18n to generate another layout for small notebook screens
or perhaps even tiny tablet computers. (Of course, the layout modification
also has its limits, there will be some size where everything will no
longer fit or even be discernible.) Other uses are imaginable, I just
mentioned the described one because that's what I used it for: some kind
of a "kiosk" system that's to be deployed on machines with various screen
sizes, where the application should always cover the whole screen and not
show the common scaling effects of the graphics system.

Does that help you a bit?

(BTW, I had created a variant of Martin's original interactive-only program
that could be partially scripted, although I didn't yet bother to remove
or suppress the graphics output. I did provide it here, but it seemed there
was no interest for it.)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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