On 21/12/2020 11:48 pm, fredvs wrote:
> I will surely take a look, thanks to note it.

No problems. I've been looking into getting a new RPi 4 myself,
for a similar goal. Testing fpGUI with AArch64. As I much
prefer FreeBSD over Linux, I've been keeping an eye (or ear)
on what others were saying about RPi + FreeBSD. It seems to
be in a good state.

> It has something to do with 'openfile' from clib that is not working (but ok
> with cpu arm 32).

Maybe it's time to use more FPC standard methods for 
data. I've never really understood why Martin diverted from standard FPC
feature or units. They always seems to be a cause of issues and extra effort.

> All that said, happy new year without masks.

That would indeed be a dream come true, but I'm afraid I don't see that
in our near future. The UK has just gone into total lockdown again. :-(


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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