On 12/03/2021 12:54 pm, fredvs wrote:
> There is not only GitHub (Microsoft) that does host git code, there are many
> others, like GitLab.
> But I agree with you, GitHub, GitLab or whatever may cause problems (like
> every server, even paid).

I don't see the problem - any cloud service is just as susceptible to failures
as a self-hosting server. In recent months we have seen major cloud outages
from Microsoft, Google, Apple etc. Even ISP's can have outages.

The reason I say I don't see a problem with any of them is because when you
clone a git repo, you have a backup of the latest code. It's not a SVN-like
environment that requires a server to function.

I could create a branch with 10 commits and email Fred my patches. Development
continues. So development with Git based projects can continue no matter what.

I personally host many open source and private contracting work repos on my
own server. But I have automated events that publish the open source projects
to both SourceForge.net and Github - simply for convenience and more world-wide


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