Hello Sierghard.

So happy to read you and happy new year!

Msegui is still living!

And completely compatible with last fpc 3.3.1 trunk.
Also with last commits, msegui is backward compatible from fpc 2.4.6 to 3.3.1. 
and aarch64 ARM cpu compatible.

About attachment it seems that the sourceforge mailing-list does not accept 
attachment anymore.
The best would be to use link to the attachment or use 

About your contribution for find-replace and fixes to "filedialogx" sure that 
they are more than welcome.

About translation to German, it would be great, if you have some free time, to 
test the last release of ideU:

It is a fork of mseide with some extended features, like layout for Russian, 
French, German, Spanish and Portuguese languages.

I am not sure about the German translation, if you can check it in menu 
"Language-German", it would be great.

Like explained in a previous post, it could be done  (multi-languages) for 
mseide too but not sure it is a good idea because it will blow-up mseide and 
Martin said that mseide is a "root" ide that should be the most compact as 

For msegui widgetset, at the moment, I am blocked with the asiatic ideograms, I 
am not able to make it rendered for some msegui-widgets like label, edit, ...
Only the title of the window shows the Chinese ideograms.
Note that for "alphabetic" characters, like Russian, Cyrilic, Arabic, ... no 
problem, msegui render it perfectly.

Otherwise I dont find any other problems in msegui.

Have a perfect day.


De : Sieghard <s_c_...@arcor.de>
Envoyé : mardi 11 janvier 2022 01:26
À : mseide-msegui-talk@lists.sourceforge.net 
Objet : [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] Hello back!

Hallo Fred van Stappen,

nice to read you again here! I wish you a happy new year even by now.
I nearly thought already that mseide-msegui might be dead and gone,
especially as you expressed utmost dissatisfaction with the progress
of the project and your share of the workload.
Probabely caused by heavy involvement with your regular work?
Last thing I read from you last year was a problem with the nabble
mailing list server, and then nothing more.
In the meantime, I had tried to send you some files anyway, but this
message might have been withheld by the list server, as someone here
gave notice that attachments would no longer be transported nor
I had found a few erroneous expressions in the german mseconsts file,
and I attempted to correct them. I could send you the corrections or
post a diff here, as you like.
I'd still need a means to provide (binary) data to you, or maybe the
project site. As you might remember, I had some gripes with the dialog
construct in msegui, and recently, I set out to modify this part and
introduce some extensions. I did it the way you already experienced
with the stand-alone "FileRequest" program, where a dialog can get
passed a preconfigured form object to display, so it's no longer
"nailed" to a specific screen position nor has to use a configuration
fixed by design. This applies now to all dialog forms.
I also would like - but have not yet finised - to add a couple more
"standard" dialogs. Martin had not bothered to provide a "find" nor a
"replace" dialog, or maybe had put it in some other catagory beside
"dialogs". I'd want to add these (or perhaps a unified version) and
include it in the common dialogs.
With the "FileRequest" application as a base, much of the current work
went into the file dialog, of course, and also into your "filedialogx"
extended version. I made a couple of changes, but kept your design as
far as possible. I also fixed a couple of problems that could give
trouble in use.
If you should want to review that work and contemplate to possibly
include it in the project, I'd be glad to provide you the dialog files
along with a simple demonstration project and the latest version of my
"full fledged" stand-alone "FileRequest" programm.

I sure hope to again read more from you, and to be able to contribute
a bit to the project also.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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