Hallo Fred,

according to my announcement a few days ago, I put the file
    mseconsts_de.zip      german text constants adapted to my liking

into a dedicated directory on my web site for download by you or
perhaps other users of mseide-msegui.
The file can be accessed by the URL

If this shows viable, I'm planning to also provide some more stuff that
way, specifically the modified dialogs I'm (still) working at, plus a
couple example programs.

A remark: the consts file for your ideU is still somwewhat preliminary,
as it containes a whole lot of entries requiring translations that
depend on their respective use. This means that a functioning ide is
required, which I could do only recently, so I didn't have time to
check all occurences for acceptable wording. (If I even can FIND them

I hope the files can be useful.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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