Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Sat, 12 Mar 2022 22:12:00 +0000:

> > Here Russian and Hebrew are shown correctly, Arabic and Chinese only
> > produce rectangles.
> Ha, that is good news, I mean,  if your Linux system cannot show
> Arabic and mine well, maybe our both systems need a "trick" to
> install Chinese ideograms.

If you want to see it that way, that's certainly right.

Vous ecrit au Sun, 13 Mar 2022 01:08:54 +0000:

> And it works for Chineese ideograms on Linux too!:
> The trick for Linux:
> 3) In code, add the font name (see previous post):
> ```
>   f := tfont.create;
>   f.name := 'Noto Serif CJK TC';
> ```
It even works if you just set the font name of any display element
accordingly, and this font will also be inherited.

And it also works within the ide, if you just set the font name for the
editor, although it only applies to the current project. (That's how I
set the HUGE "standard" font to something much better suited to me. I
use "Lucida Console" at a height of 11, whatever units that might be.)

Vous ecrit au Sun, 13 Mar 2022 03:41:57 +0000:

> There is the font 'Unifont' that is present on nearly all Linux
> distros.
> tlabel1.font.name := 'Unifont';
> You should render nearly all type of language.

Although that's right, that's not a "very pleasant" font in my eyes.
There should be better way to handle this feat, even if that might mean
to have to provide a font setting utility for every program built that
way, so the user can choose one that fits him himself.

(Sounds like quite some work to do...)

Well, all this confirms my opinion about unicode:
Unicode is the successful attempt to replace the huge mess brought by
the advent of "code pages" for text rendering by an even greater mess of
mostly incomplete and often incompatible character sets...

So this might mean that for every inscription to be displayed, it might
be, well, advisable, to check for rendering options and perhaps choose
and set an appropriate font in advance... ?
(BTW, I have a font selector program that seems to even do that
_within_ the example string is shows!)

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