Hallo Fred,

vous ecrit au Sat, 29 Oct 2022 23:40:04 +0000:

> Here the contents of my /home/fred/.msetools/lang/ folder:
> my /home/fred/testfpc/sieghard/podemo_mo4stock/lang/ folder:
> And here the result of podemo app:

This looks entirely correct and equivalent to my setup here.
I just unpacked the .zip file into an empty directory again, created a
"units" subdirectory, as advised by the project ptions, and with no
further modifications let the ide compile it. After that, running the
program yields the full list of languages in the selector grid
according to the files found in the ~/.msetools/lang directory, here.
I can even activate an entry and get the translated display.
I suppose you DID use the packaged podemo.prj project file? r did you
created a new project for testing, and forgot to enable the
"mse_dynpo" symbol? If that's missing, the project, interestingly, also
compiles, but then, of course, the language files cannot be found,
because they're not searched in the first place. This DOES give me the
bland "English"-only selector display as well. But, CAN that be?
After all, that is a demonstration of the "dynpo" mechanism, so
building it without that mechanism enabled just plainly deosn't make
any sense at all?
But, on the other hand, if that's not the cause of your problem, I'm at
a loss as to what might go on here, at least for now...

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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